"Heather" - in the perspective of Conan Grays crush

credits to Maddie (@cnlinelcve) on Twitter for giving me the amazing idea of singing Heather in the perspective of Conans crush!!! The lyrics to the original song were tweaked slightly and I edited it down a little more...kinda sounds more like a confused boy stuck in dilemma now, between two lovers. Ahh and as if this sad song couldnt get even sadder. Also Conans new album KID KROW is out now everywhere buy it stream it live it breathe it
— My new EP «Polarizing Pt. II» is OUT NOW
Spotify: open.spotify.com/album/4kT18ZOgEMaTziYs8qengW?si=qiIAFB2FTEWV9KYBNI-DOA

Apple Music/iTunes: music.apple.com/us/album/polarizing-pt-ii-ep/1522751187
— Follow for latest updates :)
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Facebook: @zecurry
— #conangray #heather #kidkrow

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